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I grew up in an up-and-coming suburb of Maryland. I had three sisters, one brother, and my Mother. I didn’t know my father growing up, and there were many lessons that I missed regarding masculine energy. I didn’t even know what that meant.


While moving through life without a father, I had a very strong and independent mother. She was feminine on the outside but masculine in her thinking. I grew to understand that it was me who would make something out of myself and that there was no knight coming to “save” me.


The limited resources my mother had motivated me to want to achieve more for myself. I didn’t want a lack of education or money to stop me from living the life I wanted to live. After the birth of my first daughter, my drive was kicked into super overdrive.


I have always wanted to be a wife and mother, but I have also wanted a career, sometimes even more. I enjoyed working and creating opportunities for myself and others.


My husband, however, wanted a wife. Though at times he seemed like my wife, I couldn’t understand his growing resentment towards me the more achievements I accomplished. I thought for sure he should be so proud of me. His lips would say so, his energy not so much.


Owning multiple-day spas, working with celebrities, and being featured in magazines and media are exhilarating and fun. I felt a sense of accomplishment and could pat myself on the back for having achieved what I set out to do. But with all that, my personal life was a disaster. I just didn’t get it.


Feminine and masculine energy is real. Knowing what those energies are and how to balance them is crucial in relationships. Some may call it giving in, keeping quiet, being weak, and so on. It’s not. It’s actually empowering once you have the understanding and tools to use the energy. 


Having balanced energy is not some esoteric mumbo-jumbo scheme for “manifesting your dreams.” It’s a real, practical state of being that will aid you in how you see yourself and others. It will also create the true heartfelt love of life. 


I’m happy to teach you the lessons I’ve learned from a realistic viewpoint based on your experiences. You will be able to use the coaching techniques immediately to achieve your goals.


Don’t give up on your relationship until you’ve tried just one more thing! Whether you're at the end or beginning of your relationship, the strategies that I teach will always serve you and others!


More love is on its way ❤️ Trish.

Click here for Lesson #1

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