The Vetting Before Wedding System is an online self study course designed to:
discover why you keep choosing the wrong partner time and time again
choose partners who embody ALL of the traits you're looking for
put an end to giving your all only to get nothing in return
stop martyring yourself while trying to earn his love
attract a partner naturally
This Exclusive Course Is Packed With Finally Getting The Love You Desire
Module 1
Uncover Who You Really Are
10 Lessons, 10 Worksheets, 10 Question/Answer Journals
how to be authentically yourself
what your past relationships have incorrectly taught you about love
what you’re bringing to the table in your relationships
what you absolutely cannot compromise on in relationships
Module 2
Discover Why It Never Worked Out
10 Lessons, 10 Worksheets, 10 Question/Answer Journals
how limiting beliefs about men are attracting the wrong men to you
the real costs of trying to make it work with the wrong men
how to trust your intuition when it comes to dating
how to stop making excuses for red flags because you’re desperate to make it work with him
Module 3
Attract A Worthy Partner
10 Lessons, 10 Worksheets, 10 Question/Answer Journals
what true femininity is and how it attracts men
how to speak to communication effectively
how to attract a high-quality man without compromising your values
how to properly vet a man to figure out if he’s a worthy partner
enhance your natural beauty
Module 4
Identify Your True Standards of Love
10 Lessons, 10 Worksheets, 10 Question/Answer Journals
what true masculinity is and how it attracts women
decode the man "code"
decipher true providers & protectors
characteristics of commitment minded men
what role sex and money play in vetting a potential partner
40 Audio/Visual Lessons
40 Worksheets To Master Concepts
40 Question/Answers Journal For Further Discovery/Visual Lessons
Bonus Offer #1
Self Care Tracker
Bonus Offer #2
Biblical Scripture
Bonus Offer #3
Dating Dollars Spreadsheet
Bonus Offer #4
Spiritual Journal
With the proper knowledge and application you will avoid dating mistakes that often causes you to:
waste precious time when you no longer have time to waste
become desperate for love due to rejection of Mr. Wrong while Mr. Right is searching for you
exhaust yourself kissing frogs when just one prince is all you want and need
celebrate everyone around you happily married though you'd like to experience the joy of marriage for yourself
feel the "clock" ticking down, but you know your destined to be a mother or have more children
What You've Learned About Choosing A Man To Love, Has Caused Your Picker To Be Off - Way Off!
Until you learn how to:
get clear on who you are and what you truly need in a relationship
stop limiting beliefs from ruining your relationships
take a break from content overload and learn immediate concepts that work
find out what a quality, commitment minded man really wants
immediately spot the time wasters
how to chose a qualified partner
how to tell if a man is faking his love for you to get what he wants
what to do with red flags
how to tell if a man is ready for a commitment and especially one with you
learn what a man really wants from you before you waste your time, money and tears'll be stuck in this continuous cycle of meaningless, unfulfilling relationships that end with you being alone.
I'm here to help you put an end to this cycle - for good!
Hi! I'm Trish. A licensed and certified relationship coach and multi-spa owner. As an ambitious and action taker woman, I just couldn't get it right at love. I tired myself out trying to make it work in both short and long term relationships. Before I figured out how to tell early on If a man was willing to commit to me, I moved from failed relationship to failed relationship without the true reason of what went wrong.
Finally, after I had my heart crushed with a bad breakup I decided I was going to take the time to find out how to get love right. With what I learned, I was able to stop dating men who I knew intuitively where not the one for me. I'm so glad I did and finally attracted the love that I've always wanted!
By implementing this step by step system, I will guide you to do the same. Get fast results just like others who have already taken this life changing course!